Wednesday 30 November 2011

Colour Variations

So I did some colour variations of a couple of the images I've produced into Photoshop to get a more varied look and possible colour ideas I could go for when created the final model in Maya.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

More Concepts!

This is a design for some sort of Elegant Leather armour, I am quite fond of the coat design.

This is a design for some sort of Tribal Witch Doctor, this is more fantasy driven so will most likely not make it into the final stages.

I've been toying with the idea of including werewolfs as a possible enemy, but will only be including if I can find the time. This design was during a period of time I couldn't think of a possible armour design so went off on a relatable tangent.

More Photoshop!

Another design idea I'm fond of so I took it into Photoshop. Really pleased with how the sword and armour turned out in this one. This is also my first attempt at the full face and hair. I believe I've done an all right attempt at it but could have been better.

If I were not to use this design I think I would definitely incorporate  the shoulder strapped Two-Handed sword.

Monday 28 November 2011

Photoshop Round 2!

So I took the Gnome armour into Photoshop as another possible choice for the final character design. I am really pleased with the design of the chest piece in particular and may match this with another piece of concept at tweak them both so that they work together.

For now I just have to finish up the gloves and boots of the character and will then be moving onto Photoshopping other concept designs.

Some More Concept Sketches

Gnome Remembrance Armour

Peasant Adventurer

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Further modeling.

I started modeling the base model today, so far the lower half of the body is pretty much complete with minor fixes here and there still needed to be done. Over the next few days I look to have this model complete so that I can start modeling the armour pieces to go round it.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Looking into designing the weapons

Being a medieval based game, swords and other weapons are a major factor of the game. So when designing them, great care should be taken to make sure the 'legendary' weapons are memorable but not only that, they should also be practical as I wish to take a more realistic approach with the action/RPG genre.

Keeping these ideas in mind, I hit Google images looking for inspiration from preexisting  fantasy and practical swords. Below are a couple examples of swords that I believe would be good inspiration for the swords in my own game.

To the left is an image of the sword 'Frostmourne' in the game World of Warcraft. The fantasy design for this sword is to be admired however the practicality is very low as the hilt would prove to be very heavy and require a strong arm to wield it.

This sword is a Chinese martial arts sword that proves to be very practical as it seems well balanced and the added curves help add to the fantasy element.

This sword is your standard medieval sword which means it has a high ratio of practicality but has little to no fantasy element to it. If I were to incorporate this sword into my designs it would be for the standard starter level swords which do little damage.

This sword on the other hand has a very high fantasy ratio with a slightly lower practicality rating. However I am very fond of the blade design, so if I were to take inspiration from this sword it would only be for the blade and would work well as one of the more rarer swords in the game.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Photoshop Complete

Finally managed to get the Battle Priest Painting done. Can safely say I'm quite happy with the results, although there a few issues with it that I don't like as much. I think with the help of this I may be able to create an interesting character model for my FMP.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Photoshop Update!

So progress has been a little slow on the Battle Priest painting as I've been finding it hard to get everything looking the way I want. I am however happy with the state it is in at this current point in time and get glad to report it is almost finished. Still the rest of the helmet, hand, staff and final details left to go!